"Where Autism is a strength and not a weakness"

Reviews / Testimonials

High Expectations

The school fosters high expectations and considers the attitudes and behaviour of the young people in relation to the wider community. Behaviour is well managed and there was clear evidence of rewards and sanctions. Students’ behaviour and attitudes in lessons, during lunchtime and generally around the school were very positive. They spoke to us, to staff and each other, with respect. They listened to and considered, the views of others. The wider community involvement is extensive and there is a very strong sense of community and British Values and traditions respected. Leaders value and use pupil voice to inform practice and support students’ independence. The school promotes equality and diversity and there are many examples of British Values around the school in displays. Pastoral support is very strong and leaders consistently work towards pupils gaining independence and preparation for future training and development. The workplace and adulthood are a key focus from the point of entry for each student. Strong transition plans are in place. Overall, in school students presented as calm, engaged, respectful and happy. The relationships in the school are rooted in mutual respect. The students are safe and engaging well and ready to learn.

- North Northamptonshire Local Authority Audit -

Thank You

I have to honestly say like I did last week, we are amazed at what a difference you are making to our child’s life. We will continue to thank you all and recognise what a great job you all do. I know they haven’t been with you long, but we are so pleased we found you.

- Parent / Carer -

Welcoming and Accommodating

As a regular visitor to lady Byron school, staff have always been welcoming and accommodating, making me feel like a member of the team. They offer a nurturing space for their students and are passionate about what they do. They are always open to new ideas to support students and clearly want the best for them.

- External Agency -